2Bliss Studio Limited is a social enterprise founded in 2016. We provide professional art services. We aim to light up people’s lives through art and try to bring happiness to our community.

2Bliss Studio was founded by Ho Cecilia and James Chan Chun Hing in 2012. Our mission is bringing “Laughter” into life through art. We try to explore the happiness around our daily life and pass the feeling of joy to others.
We believed that art is not just the pursuit of beauties and creativities. Art is a part of life. Through art, we could express our personal feeling, also enhance the connection between people. We could share our thought and move others by art, it could bring positive energy to our society.
Also we strive to better the lives of people in our community through art. We provide free art training for disadvantaged groups and teenagers. We also provide home renovation services for the elderly.
我們的使命是透過藝術把「笑」帶進生活,發掘身邊的快樂繼而把歡笑帶給身邊人。我們相信藝術不單是對美學,創意的追求,藝術是生活中不可缺少的一部份, 透過藝術可以釋放個人情緒,更可加強人與人之間的連繋,把世間的美好呈現予大眾感動人心,為社會帶來正能量。
我們期望透過不同類型的藝術創作及活動, 令大眾體驗藝術的多樣性, 令他們有機會參與創作,加強他們的創意及想象力.我們亦希望將藝術帶到香港不同的社區,令更多人能夠在輕鬆愉快的氣氛下感受藝術能夠帶來的快樂,令藝術融入他們的生活,能夠多點欣賞身邊的一切事物.

Ho Cecilia

James Chan Chun Hing